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Rox.Chat Mobile SDK Reference Guide for iOS Applications

The revision corresponds to the current version of Mobile SDK 3 for iOS.


Answers to the most common questions are given in this article.

Class Roxchat

A set of static methods that are used when creating a session object and to handle push notifications from the Rox.Chat service

Class method newSessionBuilder()

Method needed to get a SessionBuilder object, which in turn is needed to create an instance of the RoxchatSession class

Class method parse(remoteNotification:visitorId:)

A method used to convert an object representing a push notification to an iOS app into an object of class RoxchatRemoteNotification.

The remoteNotification parameter is a dictionary of type [AnyHashable: Any] (the same dictionary type is passed to the application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:) method in the userInfo parameter in the AppDelegate class of the iOS app). You must pass the value of the userInfo parameter, the above mentioned method of the AppDelegate class in an unmodified form to the parameter.

Returns an object of class RoxchatRemoteNotification or nil if the value of the remoteNotification parameter does not match the format of the push notification received from the Rox.Chat service, or the notification contains no payload.

As a preliminary check if the remoteNotification parameter is a push notification received from the Rox.Chat service, the isRoxchat(remoteNotification:) method can be called.

Class method isRoxchat(remoteNotification:)

A method to find out if the object representing a push notification in the iOS app is a push notification received from the Rox.Chat service.

The remoteNotification parameter is a dictionary of type [AnyHashable: Any] (the same type of dictionary is passed to the application(_:didReceiveRemoteNotification:) method in the userInfo parameter in the AppDelegate class of the iOS app). You must pass the value of the userInfo parameter, the above mentioned method of the AppDelegate class in an unmodified form to the parameter.

Returns a boolean value: true - if the value of the remoteNotification parameter is a received push notification from the Rox.Chat service, false - if it is not.

Enumerated type RemoteNotificationSystem

Push notification systems that can be passed as a parameter to the SessionBuilderset(remoteNotificationSystem:) instance method.


Corresponds to Apple Push Notification System.


Corresponds to the situation when the application does not need to receive push notifications from the Rox.Chat service.

Class SessionBuilder

A class whose instance is used to get an instance of class RoxchatSession. An instance of the class is obtained using the newSessionBuilder() method of the Roxchat class.

Class method set(notFatalErrorHandler:)

A method to set an object obeying the NotFatalErrorHandler protocol, which will be responsible for handling session instance creation errors that may be raised by the Rox.Chat service.

The notFatalErrorHandler parameter is any class that implements the NotFatalErrorHandler interface.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the NotFatalErrorHandler object installed. To get an instance of class RoxchatSession, the method call is optional.

Class method set(accountName:)

The method is required to set the account name in the Rox.Chat system when creating a session.

The accountName parameter is the name of the client's account in the Rox.Chat system. Usually it is a URL of the server (for example,, but it can also be an account name in one word (for example, demo), if the server is in the domain The parameter type is String.

Returns the same instance of SessionBuilder class, but with the account name set.

To get an instance of RoxchatSession, the method call is mandatory.

Class method set(location:)

The method is required to set the location initially used when creating a session.

The location parameter is the location within the Rox.Chat service that will be used when chatting. The type of the parameter is String. Most likely, you can use mobile and/or default values right away. To create and further use additional locations, you should contact the Rox.Chat service support team.

Returns the same instance of SessionBuilder class, but with the name of the used location set.

To get an instance of RoxchatSession, the method call is mandatory.

Class method set(appVersion:)

The method is used to set the version of the client application if they need to be distinguished in the context of the Rox.Chat service.

The appVersion parameter is the version of the client application or nil. The parameter type is an optional String.

Returns the same instance of the SessionBuilder class but with the client application version installed if the appVersion parameter is not nil, and an unmodified instance of the SessionBuilder class if the appVersion parameter is nil.

It is optional to call the method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession.

Class method set(visitorFieldsJSONString:)

The method is used to authorize the visitor internally.

Without calling this method when creating a session object, the user will be anonymous, with a randomly generated ID. This ID is stored in the application settings, and if these settings are lost (e.g. when reinstalling the application), all data (message history) will be lost.

All data of an authorized user is saved and will be available when authorizing from any device.

Parameter jsonString - fields of user authorization data in JSON format, type - String. Detailed information about these fields (including which ones are mandatory and how they should be formed) can be found in this article.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the visitor's authorization credentials set.

It is optional to call this method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession.

This method cannot be called at the same time as the set(providedAuthorizationTokenStateListener:providedAuthorizationToken:) method.

Class method set(visitorFieldsJSONData jsonData:)

A method completely similar to the set(visitorFieldsJSONString:) method except for the parameter: the jsonData parameter is of type Data (given from JSON format). Which of the two methods to use is irrelevant.

Class method set(providedAuthorizationTokenStateListener:providedAuthorizationToken:)

When a client application provides its own visitor authorization mechanism, this can be implemented by passing a special token instead of visitor fields.

This method passes a protocol object ProvidedAuthorizationTokenStateListener and a token. It is not necessary to pass the token: if you omit the second parameter, the token will be generated by the library.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the ProvidedAuthorizationTokenStateListener object and the token of the visitor's authorization client system installed.

It is optional to call this method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession.

This method cannot be called concurrently with the set(visitorFieldsJSONString:) or set(visitorFieldsJSONData:) methods.

Class method set(pageTitle:)

A method to set the operator-side chat title when creating a session instance. If the method was not called when the session instance was created, the title will take the default value of iOS Client.

The pageTitle parameter is the operator-side chat title. The parameter type is String.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the operator-side chat title set.

It is optional to call this method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession.

Class method set(fatalErrorHandler:)

A method to set an object obeying the FatalErrorHandler protocol, which will be responsible for handling session instance errors that may be called by the Rox.Chat service.

The fatalErrorHandler parameter is optional; any class that obeys the FatalErrorHandler protocol, or nil if the FatalErrorHandler protocol methods will not be used in the application.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the FatalErrorHandler object installed.

It is optional to call the method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession.

Class method set(remoteNotificationSystem:)

A method to specify, when creating a session, whether the application will receive push notifications from the Rox.Chat service and, if so, which push notification system the application will use to do so. (See the RemoteNotificationSystem enumerated type in the Roxchat class.)

The remoteNotificationSystem parameter is the corresponding value of type RemoteNotificationSystem of class Roxchat.

Requires a previously obtained instance of class SessionBuilder. If this method is called and the value of the remoteNotificationSystem parameter is other than NONE, it is mandatory to call the set(deviceToken:) method when creating an instance of the session.

To get an instance of class RoxchatSession, calling the method set(deviceToken:) is optional. If the method was not called when creating a session, the Rox.Chat service will not send push notifications to the application (similarly to the value of the remoteNotificationSystem parameter NONE).

Class method set(deviceToken:)

A method that can be used to specify a device token for the application to receive push notifications from the Rox.Chat service when creating a session.

The deviceToken parameter is the device token used to receive push notifications in the application. Type - optional String in hexadecimal format, without service characters and spaces.

An example of casting the device token value to the desired form from the value in Data format obtained by the application(_:,didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:) method of the AppDelegate class of an application:

let deviceToken = { String(format: "%02.2hhx", $0) }.joined()

Returns the same instance of the SessionBuilder class, but with the device token value set.

For an application to receive push notifications from the Rox.Chat service, calling this method is not sufficient: a call to the set(remoteNotificationSystem:) method is also required.

To get an instance of class RoxchatSession, calling this method is not required.

Class method set(isLocalHistoryStoragingEnabled:)

By default, the session stores message history on the device (in the SQLite repository associated with the application). If this functionality needs to be disabled for any purpose, this method is used with the isLocalHistoryStoragingEnabled parameter value false.

The isLocalHistoryStoragingEnabled parameter is a boolean variable indicating whether message history should be stored locally (value true) or not (value false).

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the value of the corresponding option set manually.

It is optional to call the method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession. Not calling the method is the same as calling it with the isLocalHistoryStoragingEnabled true parameter value.

Class method set(isVisitorDataClearingEnabled:)

Method used to remove all existing user data during session instance creation.

The isVisitorDataClearingEnabled parameter is a boolean variable indicating the need to clear user data (value true) or its (need) absence (value false).

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the corresponding option value set manually.

It is optional to call the method to get an instance of class RoxchatSession. Absence of method call is similar to its call with isVisitorDataClearingEnabled false parameter value.

To get an instance of RoxchatSession class, the method call is optional

Class method set(roxchatLogger:verbosityLevel:availableLogTypes:)

The method by which the RoxchatLogger object is passed.

The verbosityLevel parameter is the value of RoxchatLoggerVerbosityLevel (may be omitted).

The availableLogTypes parameter is the value of RoxchatLogType (may be omitted).

Class method build()

A method that is called at the conclusion of the above methods to get an instance of RoxchatSession.

Returns a RoxchatSession object with the parameters set using the rest of the class instance methods.

Can throw errors like SessionBuilderError.

Requires calling the set(accountName:) and set(location:) methods (in any order). Any other (in any order and combination) methods of the SessionBuilder class instance may also be called beforehand.

Class method set(multivisitorSection:)

The method is used to get notifications for different visitors on the same device.

The multivisitorSection parameter is a String.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the corresponding option value set manually.

Class method set(roxchatAlert:)

The method is used to show standard error warnings.

The roxchatALert parameter is a warning, the type is RoxchatAlert.

Returns the same instance of class SessionBuilder, but with the value of the corresponding option set there.

Class method set(mobileChatInstance:)

The method is used to set a new session inside the mobile application.

The mobileChatInstance parameter is String.

The default value is default.

If you do not set this parameter and try to create a new session inside the mobile app, you will get the same session.

Returns the same instance of the SessionBuilder class, but with the value of the corresponding option set manually.

Enumerated type RoxchatLogType

Possible log types. Used in the set(roxchatLogger:verbosityLevel:availableLogTypes:) method.

Case networkRequest

Logs related to network requests.

Case messageHistory

Logs related to message history.

Case manualCall

Logs related to manual method calls.

Case undefined

Undefined type.

Enumerated type FileState

Used to define the state of a file.

Case error

Occurs when an error occurred while loading a file.

Case ready

Occurs when a file has been uploaded.

Case upload

Occurs when a file is being uploaded.

Case externalChecks

The file is checked by the server.

Enumerated type EditMessageError

Possible errors that can be passed to the error parameter when calling the EditMessageCompletionHandler.onFailure(messageID:error:) method.


Unknown error.


The ability to edit messages is disabled on the server.


The message being edited is empty.


The visitor can only edit their own messages. The specified identifier belongs to another message.


The server may reject the request if the message size exceeds the limit. The maximum message size is configurable on the server.


The visitor can only edit text messages.

Enumerated type RoxchatLoggerVerbosityLevel

Specifies the degree of informativeness of the entries passed to the RoxchatLogger object.


All available information will be passed to the RoxchatLogger object with maximum informativeness level:

  • network connection configuration parameters;

  • URLs, HTTP methods and network request parameters;

  • HTTP codes, received data and errors of responses to network requests;

  • SQL queries and errors that occur with these queries;

  • complete information that may be useful in debugging, and additional notes.


All information needed for debugging will be passed to the RoxchatLogger object with the required level of informativeness:

  • network connection configuration parameters;

  • URLs, HTTP methods and network request parameters;

  • HTTP codes, received data and errors of responses to network requests;

  • SQL queries and errors that occur with these queries;

  • complete information that may be useful for moderately informative debugging.


The RoxchatLogger object will be passed background information, as well as all warnings and errors:

  • URLs, HTTP methods and network request parameters;

  • HTTP codes, received data and network request response errors;

  • SQL queries and errors generated by those queries.


Only warnings and errors will be sent to the RoxchatLogger object:

  • HTTP codes, received data, and network request response errors;

  • SQL queries and errors that occur with those queries.


Only errors will be passed to the RoxchatLogger object:

  • HTTP codes and errors from responses to network requests that failed.

Enumerated type SessionBuilderError

The type values correspond to possible errors that may occur when calling the build() method of the SessionBuilder class.


Occurs when no account name value (or this value is nil) was passed in when the session was created.


Occurs when no location name value (or this value is nil) was passed in when the session was created.


Occurs when an attempt was made to use both the default (see the set(visitorFieldsJSONString:) and set(visitorFieldsJSONData:)) and custom (see the [set(providedAuthenticATION_PARAMETERS) methods) at the same time when creating a session. method set(providedAuthorizationTokenStateListener:providedAuthorizationToken:)) of the visitor authorization system.


Occurs when an invalid string in HEX format is passed.


Occurs when an invalid push service configuration occurred during session creation (the service to be used when receiving push notifications from Rox.Chat service other than NONE was set (see the [set(remoteNOTIFICATION_CONFIGURATION_CONFIGURATION_CONFIGURATION_CONFIGURATION_CONFIGURATION_CONFIGURATION method)). method set(remoteNotificationSystem:) of class SessionBuilder, but no device token value (or the value nil) was passed - see method set(deviceToken:) of class SessionBuilder).)


Unknown error.

Enumerated type ButtonState

Used to define the state of a button.

Case showing

The button is being displayed.

Case showingSelected

The button is selected.

Case hidden

The button is hidden.

Enumerated type ButtonType

Used to define the type of a button.

Case URL

The button contains a link that will take the visitor to when the button is clicked.

Case insert

The button contains text that will be sent on behalf of the visitor when the button is clicked.

Protocol Configuration

Protocol is an abstraction that represents the configuration information of the chatbot keyboard buttons.

Method isActive()

A method that can be used to get information whether a button is active or not.

Returns true if active and false if not. The type is Bool.

Method getButtonType()

A method that can be used to get information about the button type.

Returns the type of the button. The type is ButtonType.

Method getData()

A method that can be used to get information about the button.

Returns information about the button. The type is String.

Method getState()

A method that can be used to get information about the state of the button.

Returns information about the state of the button. Type - ButtonState.

Protocol FileInfo

Contains information about attachments.

Method getContentType()

A method that can be used to get the MIME type of an attachment.

Returns the MIME type of the attachment in text form or nil. The type is an optional String.

Method getFileName()

A method that can be used to get the name of the attachment file.

Returns the name of the attachment file in text form or nil. The type is String.

Method getImageInfo()

A method that can be used to get information about an image, if the attachment is one.

Returns an ImageInfo object or nil if the attachment is not an image.

Method getSize()

A method that can be used to get the size of the attachment file.

Returns the size of the attachment file in bytes or nil. The type is optional Int64.

Method getURL()

A method that can be used to get a link to download the attachment file. The link is only valid for the current session.

Returns the URL of the attachment file or nil.

Method getGuid()

A method that can be used to get the guid of the attachment file. Returns the value in text form. The type is String.

Protocol Keyboard

The protocol is an abstraction that provides the elements of a chatbot's keyboard.

Method getButtons()

A method that can be used to get a list of buttons for a keyboard element.

Returns a list of buttons. The type is KeyboardButton.

Method getState()

A method that can be used to get the state of the keyboard.

Returns the state of the keyboard. The type is KeyboardState.

Method getKeyboardResponse()

A method that can be used to get the button selected by the user.

Returns the button selected by the user. The type is optional KeyboardResponse.

Protocol KeyboardButton

The protocol is an abstraction representing information about the chatbot's keyboard buttons.

Method getId()

A method that can be used to get the unique ID of a button in the chatbot keyboard.

Returns the ID in text form. The type is String. Button ID can contain only Latin letters, digits, hyphen and underscore characters and must be no more than 24 characters long. The button ID generated on the Rox.Chat side has the UUID4 format, and the ID generated externally (including third-party bots) is only checked for compliance with the above criteria.

Method getText()

Method that can be used to get the text of a button in the chatbot keyboard.

Returns the name of the button in text form. The type is String.

Method getConfiguration()

A method that can be used to get the configuration of a button in the chatbot keyboard. Type is optional Configuration.

Protocol KeyboardRequest

The protocol is an abstraction representing information about the selected button in the chatbot keyboard.

Method getButton()

A method that can be used to retrieve the selected button of a keyboard element.

Returns a KeyboardButton object.

Method getMessageId()

Method that can be used to get the ID of the message in which the button was selected.

Returns the name of the message ID in text form. The type is String.

Protocol KeyboardResponse

The protocol is an abstraction representing information about the selected button in the chatbot keyboard.

Method getButtonId()

A method that can be used to get the unique ID of the selected button in the chatbot keyboard.

Returns the ID in text form. The type is String.

Method getMessageId()

Method that can be used to get the ID of the message in which the button was selected.

Returns the name of the message ID in text form. The type is String.

Protocol NotFatalErrorHandler

A protocol that provides methods to handle non-critical errors that may occur in the Rox.Chat service.

Method on(error:)

Called when a non-critical error of the Rox.Chat service occurs.

The error parameter is an error of the Rox.Chat service. The type is RoxchatNotFatalError.


This method is called not from the main thread!

Method connectionStateChanged(connected:)

Called when the Rox.Chat service connection error occurs.


This method is called not from the main thread!

Protocol Quote

Protocol is an abstraction representing information about a quoted message.

Method getAuthorId()

Use this method to get the author ID of the quoted message.

Returns the ID of the message. The type is an optional String.

Method getMessageAttachment()

Use this method to get an attachment if it is a file sent by a visitor or operator (FILE_FROM_OPERATOR or FILE_FROM_VISITOR).

Returns information about the attachment. The type is optional FileInfo.

Method getMessageTimestamp()

Use this method to get the time the message was sent.

Returns the number of milliseconds elapsed from the beginning of the epoch until the message is processed by the server. The type is the optional Date.

Method getMessageId()

Use this method to get the unique ID of the quoted message.

It returns the ID of the message. The type is optional String.

Method getMessageText()

Use this method to get the text of the message.

Returns the text of the message. The type is optional String.

Method getMessageType()

Use this method to get the type of the quoted message.

Returns an optional value of the enumerated type MessageType.

Method getSenderName()

Use this method to get the name of the sender of a message.

Returns the name of the sender of the message. The type is the optional String.

Method getState()

Use this method to get the status of the quote.

Returns a value of enumerated type QuoteState.

Enumerated type QuoteState

Used to determine the state of a quoted message.


Occurs when the quote is being loaded.


Occurs when the quote is loaded.


Occurs when the quoted message is not found on the server.

Enumerated type NotFatalErrorType

Corresponds to the values of possible fatal errors that may occur in the Rox.Chat service (see the getErrorType() method of the RoxchatNotFatalError interface).


This error indicates that there is no network connection.


This error occurs when the server is unavailable.

Enumerated type KeyboardResponseError

Possible errors that can be passed to the error parameter when calling the KeyboardResponseCompletionHandler.onFailure(error:) method.


Unknown error.


A button from the chatbot keyboard was sent to the wrong chat.


The button ID is not set.


The request message identifier is not set.


Unable to create a response.

Enumerated type KeyboardRequest

Used to determine the state of a quoted message.


Occurs when the quoted message is loaded.


Occurs when the quote is loaded.


Occurs when the quoted message is not found on the server.

Enumerated type KeyboardState

Used to determine the state of the quoted message (see the getState() method of the Keyboard interface).


Occurs when the keyboard is active and keys can be pressed.


Occurs when the keyboard is inactive and keys cannot be pressed.


Occurs when the keypad is inactive and one of the keys is selected.

Protocol EditMessageCompletionHandler

An object implementing this protocol can be passed to the completionHandler parameter of the edit(message:text:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(messageID:)

Called when the call to the edit(message:text:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

The messageID parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Method onFailure(messageID:error:)

Called when the edit(message:text:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol fails.

The messageID parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

The error parameter - the error that prevented successful editing of the message. Type - EditMessageError.

Protocol ProvidedAuthorizationTokenStateListener

If the client provides its own visitor authorization mechanism, this can be implemented by passing a special token that is used instead of visitor fields (see the set(visitorFieldsJSONString:) and set(visitorFieldsJSONData:) methods). The moment this token is generated (or receives a passed value), the update(providedAuthorizationToken:) method is called. This means that the client service must pass this token to the Rox.Chat service.

This mechanism is not a self-sufficient implementation. The client service must support and implement methods to pass the token and visitor data to the Rox.Chat service.

Method update(providedAuthorizationToken:)

The method is called in two cases:

  1. The token of the client authorization mechanism is provided or generated and it is required to be sent to the Rox.Chat service by the client.

  2. Information is received from Rox.Chat service that the token used is unknown to it. This may happen, for example, if the token was not sent to the Rox.Chat service by the client's service or was not received by the Rox.Chat service. In this case the Rox.Chat service needs to provide the token and the visitor's data corresponding to it.

Protocol RoxchatSession

A protocol that allows manipulation of the current session. An instance of class RoxchatSession is obtained using the methods of class SessionBuilder.

Method resume()

When an instance of class RoxchatSession is created, its corresponding session is in a suspended state. This method is required to start the session's network activity.

It may throw errors like AccessError.

Necessary for the service to function fully in the application context.

Various methods MessageListener, ChatStateListener, CurrentOperatorChangeListener, and LocationSettingsChangeListener may be called as a result of the server response.

Method pause()

A method that is used to suspend the network activity of a session. If the session is already in a suspended state, the method does not perform any action.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

The session must not be in a deactivated state for the method to be called.

Method destroy()

A method that is used to deactivate the session and class instance. Once this method is called, no methods related to the session can be used.

May throw errors like AccessError.

Method getStream()

The method to call to retrieve the corresponding MessageStream instance session.

For full use of the MessageStream protocol methods, the session must not be suspended or deactivated (see the resume(), pause(), and destroy() methods).

Method set(deviceToken:)

The method is used to set the device token to receive push notifications.

The deviceToken parameter is the device token used to receive push notifications in the application. Type - optional String in hexadecimal format, without service characters and spaces.

An example of casting the device token value to the desired form from the value in Data format obtained by the application(_:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:) method of the AppDelegate class of an application:

let deviceToken = { String(format: "%02.2hhx", $0) }.joined()

May throw errors like AccessError.

The session must not be in a suspended or deactivated state to call the method (see resume(), pause() and destroy() methods).

Method destroyWithClearVisitorData()

A method that is used to deactivate the session and class instance with the user information removed. Once this method is called, no methods related to the session can be used.

May throw errors like AccessError.

Protocol MessageData

Contains a file attached to the message.

Method getAttachment()

Use this method to get an attachment if it is a file sent by a visitor or operator (MessageType FILE_FROM_OPERATOR or FILE_FROM_VISITOR).

Returns an instance of class MessageAttachment or nil if the file is in the process of being sent.

Protocol MessageStream

The instance of the class by which the protocol methods are called exists only once within a session and is obtained using the getStream() method of an instance of the RoxchatSession class. The protocol methods are used directly for interacting with the Rox.Chat service (such as sending and receiving messages).To use the protocol methods, it is necessary that the session is not in suspended or deactivated state (see the resume(), pause() and destroy() methods of the RoxchatSession class).

Method startChat(customFields:)

Method starts a chat with the specified custom fields. In terms of the Rox.Chat service, it changes the current chat state, represented by the ChatState type, to QUEUE.

It can throw errors of type AccessError.

Parameter customFields - optional fields in JSON format. The type is an optional String.

The result may call the changed(state previousState:to newState:) method of the ChatStateListener protocol.

Method startChat(firstQuestion:customFields:)

The method starts a chat with the specified custom fields and simultaneously sends the visitor's first message.

In terms of the Rox.Chat service, changes the current chat state, represented by the ChatState type, to QUEUE.

It may throw errors like AccessError.

If the account settings provide for welcome messages, no welcome messages will be received before the chat is started (by the startChat series methods or with the first message).

The firstQuestion parameter is the user's first message. The type is an optional String.

Parameter customFields - additional fields in JSON format. The type is optional String.

The result may call the changed(state previousState:to newState:) method of the ChatStateListener protocol.

Method startChat(departmentKey:customFields:)

Method starts a chat with the specified department and the specified optional fields.

In terms of the Rox.Chat service, it changes the current chat state, represented by the ChatState type, to QUEUE.

It can throw errors of type AccessError.

When a user sends a message or file, the chat starts automatically, but if the current state of VisitSessionState is DEPARTMENT_SELECTION, the chat should be started using this method.

The departmentKey parameter is passed the value of the department key, which can be obtained using the getKey() method of the Department protocol.

The customFields parameter is optional fields in JSON format. The type is an optional String.

The result may call the changed(state previousState:to newState:) method of the ChatStateListener protocol.

Method startChat(departmentKey:firstQuestion:customFields:)

The method starts a chat with the specified department and the specified optional fields, and sends the visitor's first message at the same time.

In terms of the Rox.Chat service, changes the current chat state, represented by the ChatState type, to QUEUE.

It may throw errors of type AccessError.

When a user sends a message or file, the chat starts automatically, but if the current state of VisitSessionState is DEPARTMENT_SELECTION, the chat should be started using this method.

The departmentkey parameter contains the value of the department key, which can be obtained using the getKey() method of the Department protocol.

If the account settings provide for welcome messages, no welcome messages will be received before the chat is started (by methods in the startChat series or with the first message).

The firstQuestion parameter is the user's first message. The type is an optional String.

Parameter customFields - additional fields in JSON format. The type is optional String.

The result may call the changed(state previousState:to newState:) method of the ChatStateListener protocol.

Method send(message:completionHandler:)

Corresponds to the send(message:isHintQuestion:) method with the isHintQuestion parameter omitted.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements the protocol methods of SendMessageCompletionHandler. The type is optional.

Method sendKeyboardRequest(button:message:completionHandler:)

The method is used to send the selected item in the chatbot keyboard to the Rox.Chat service.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

The button parameter is an item in the chatbot keyboard. The type is KeyboardButton.

Parameter message - message. Type - Message.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements the SendKeyboardRequestCompletionHandler protocol methods. Type Optional.

Method sendKeyboardRequest(buttonID:messageCurrentChatID:completionHandler:)

Method used to send the selected item in the chatbot keyboard to the Rox.Chat service.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

Parameter buttonID - ID of the item in the chatbot keyboard. The type is String.

Parameter messageCurrentChatID - ID of the requested message. Type - Message.

Parameter completionHandler - object implementing methods of protocol SendKeyboardRequestCompletionHandler. Type Optional.

Method reply(message:repliedMessage:)

The method is used to quote a visitor's message to the Rox.Chat service.

It can throw errors of type AccessError.

The message parameter is the message to be sent. The type is String.

Parameter repliedMessage - quoted message. The type is Message.

Returns the message ID or nil if the message cannot be quoted.

Does not require any other methods to be called beforehand. If MessageTracker and MessageListener objects exist, sending a message will call the added(message:after:) method of the MessageListener interface with a new message with status MessageSendStatus.sent.

The maximum message length is 32000 characters. Messages longer than this will be truncated.

Method edit(message:text:completionHandler:)

The method is used to modify the message.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

The message parameter is the message to be modified. The type is Message.

Parameter text - text of the message. Type - String.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements the EditMessageCompletionHandler protocol methods. Type Optional.

Returns true if the message can be edited.

Does not require any other methods to be called beforehand. If MessageTracker and MessageListener objects exist, sending a message will invoke the changed(oldVersion:newVersion:) method of the MessageListener interface with a new message with status MessageSendStatus.sent.

The maximum message length is 32000 characters. Messages longer than that will be truncated.

Method delete(message:completionHandler:)

Method to delete a message.

Can throw errors like AccessError.

The message parameter is the message to be deleted. The type is Message.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements protocol methods DeleteMessageCompletionHandler. Type Optional.

Returns true if the message can be deleted.

Does not require any other methods to be called beforehand. If MessageTracker and MessageListener objects exist, sending a message will call the removed(message:) method of the MessageListener interface with a new message with status MessageSendStatus.sent.

The maximum message length is 32000 characters. Messages longer than this will be truncated.

Method setChatRead()

Method sends a signal to the Rox.Chat service that the visitor has read the chat.

Method sendDialogTo(emailAddress:completionHandler:)

Method used to send the current dialog to an email address.

It may throw errors like AccessError.

Parameter emailAddress - email to send. The type is String.

Parameter completionHandler - object that implements protocol methods SendDialogToEmailAddressCompletionHandler. Type Optional.

Method getVisitSessionState()

Returns the current session state with a value of type VisitSessionState.

Method getChatState()

Method with which to specify the state of the current chat.

Returns a value of enumerated type ChatState.

Method getUnreadByOperatorTimestamp()

Returns the point in time (of type Date) after which all chat messages are unread by the operator (at the time of the update received from the server).

Method getUnreadByVisitorMessageCount()

Returns the number of unread messages by the user.

Method getUnreadByVisitorTimestamp()

Returns the point in time (of type Date) after which all chat messages are unread by the visitor (at the time of the update received from the server) or nil if there are no unread messages.

Method getDepartmentList()

Returns the department list by an array of objects of type Department or nil if departments are not in use or the department list has not yet been retrieved.

Method getLocationSettings()

Each location can have individual settings. Use the current method to get an object representing the current location settings.

Returns an object of class LocationSettings corresponding to the current session.

Method getCurrentOperator()

Use this method to specify information about the current operator (if any) of the current chat session.

Returns an object of class Operator or nil if the chat does not currently have an operator.

Method getLastRatingOfOperatorWith(id:)

Use this method to specify the current rating (in integers from 0 to 5) of an operator, knowing the ID of that operator (see the getID() method of the Operator protocol).

The id parameter is the ID of the operator whose rating the method should return. The type is String.

Returns the rating of the operator with the ID corresponding to the value of the id parameter, in integers from 1 to 5 or 0 if the operator has no rating.

Method rateOperatorWith(id:rating:completionHandler:)

Use this method to send the operator rating of the current visitor.

The id parameter is the ID of the operator whose rating should be sent to the Rox.Chat service. The type is String. Optional: if you pass nil, the evaluation will be sent to the current chat operator (if any).

The rating parameter is the operator's rating to be sent to the Rox.Chat service. The rating must be an integer from 1 to 5 (if you specify otherwise, the method will not perform any actions). The type is Int.

The completionHandler parameter is a RateOperatorCompletionHandler object.

Can throw errors like AccessError.


Implementation of the operator evaluation mechanism is left to the developers of the mobile application!

Method startChat()

The method starts a chat. In terms of Rox.Chat service it changes the current chat state, represented by ChatState type, to QUEUE.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

When a user sends a message or file, the chat starts automatically, so calling the method is optional. But, if the account settings provide for welcome messages, no welcome messages will be received before the chat starts (by methods in the startChat series or with the first message).

As a result, the method changed(state previousState:to newState:)protocol ChatStateListener may be called.

Method startChat(departmentKey:)

Method starts a chat by specifying a particular department. In terms of Rox.Chat service, changes the current chat state, represented by the type ChatState, to QUEUE.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

When a message or file is sent by a user, chat starts automatically, but if the current state is VisitSessionState DEPARTMENT_SELECTION, chat should be started using this method.

When a user sends a message or file, the chat starts automatically, so calling this method is not necessary.

If the account settings provide for welcome messages, no welcome messages will be received before the chat starts (using the startChat series methods or with the first message).

The departmentKey parameter is passed the value of the department key, which can be obtained by the getKey() method of the Department protocol.

As a result, the changed(state previousState:to newState:)method of the ChatStateListener protocol may be called.

Method startChat(firstQuestion:)

Method starts a chat and simultaneously sends the visitor's first message.

In terms of the Rox.Chat service, changes the current chat state, represented by the type ChatState, to QUEUE.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

When a user sends a message or file, the chat starts automatically, so calling the method is optional. But, if the account settings provide for welcome messages, no welcome messages will be received before the chat starts (by methods in the startChat series or with the first message).

As a result, the changed(state previousState:to newState:)protocol ChatStateListener method may be called.

Method startChat(departmentKey:firstQuestion:)

The method starts a chat by specifying a particular department and simultaneously sends the visitor's first message.

In terms of the Rox.Chat service, changes the current chat state, represented by the type ChatState, to QUEUE.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

When a user sends a message or file, chat starts automatically, but if the current state is VisitSessionState DEPARTMENT_SELECTION, chat should be started using this method.

If the account settings provide for welcome messages, no welcome messages will be received before the chat is started (by the startChat series methods or with the first message).

The departmentKey parameter is passed the value of the department key, which can be obtained by the getKey() method of the Department protocol.

As a result, the method changed(state previousState:to newState:)protocol ChatStateListener may be called.

Method closeChat() (@available(*, deprecated))


The method is not recommended for use.

The method sends a signal to the Rox.Chat service that the visitor has finished chatting. In terms of Rox.Chat service it changes the current chat state, represented by ChatState type, to CLOSED_BY_VISITOR.

May throw errors like AccessError.

May result in a call to the changed(state previousState:to newState:) method of the ChatStateListener protocol.

Method setVisitorTyping(draftMessage:)

The method is used to send a signal to the Rox.Chat service that a visitor is typing a message (or has stopped typing it (the message)).

If the method is called multiple times consecutively, the draft is sent to the Rox.Chat service not with the same frequency, but not more often than once per second.

Parameter draftMessage - the message that the visitor has already entered in the corresponding field, but has not sent it. Type - optional String, The value of the parameter nil corresponds to the situation when the visitor has stopped entering the message or erased the written message from the input field.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

Method send(message:isHintQuestion:)

The method is used to send a visitor's message to the Rox.Chat service.

The message parameter is the message to be sent. The type is String.

Maximum length of the message is 32000 characters. Longer messages will be cut off by the server when they are received.

The isHintQuestion parameter is used if the application has its own mechanism of showing hints to the user. The type is optional Bool. In case the visitor does not enter a message manually, but chooses one of the offered prompts, the value of the parameter should be true, and false otherwise. The parameter is optional and may be omitted.

Returns a randomly generated ID for this message, which can be used to identify this particular message within the application logic. The type is String.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

If MessageTracker and MessageListener objects exist, sending a message will invoke the method added(newMessage:previousMessage: ) protocol MessageListener with a new message with status SENDING of enumerated type MessageSendStatus.

Method send(message:)

Fully corresponds to the method send(message:isHintQuestion:) with the omitted parameter isHintQuestion.

Method send(file:filename:mimeType:completionHandler:)

The method is used to send a file from the visitor to the operator.

The file parameter is the file itself in Data format.

The filename parameter is the name of the file along with the extension. The type is String.

Parameter mimeType - MIME type of the file to be transferred. The type is String.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements the SendFileCompletionHandler protocol methods. The type is optional.

Returns a randomly generated ID for this message, which can be used to identify this particular message within the application logic. (The file being sent is also a message type.) The type is String.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

If MessageTracker and MessageListener objects exist, sending a message will call the method added(newMessage:previousMessage: )protocol MessageListener with a new message with status SENDING of enumerated type MessageSendStatus.

Method newMessageTracker(messageListener:)

This method is used to get an instance of MessageTracker class.

The messageListener parameter is an object of the class that implements the MessageListener protocol methods.

Returns an instance of the MessageTracker class corresponding to the current MessageStream object.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

Getting a new instance of class MessageTrackerautomatically destroys the previous instance of class MessageTracker.

Method set(visitSessionStateListener:)

The method passes to the SDK a reference to an object that implements the VisitSessionStateListener protocol methods.

The chatStateListener parameter is an object that implements the VisitSessionStateListener protocol methods.

Method set(chatStateListener:)

The method passes to the SDK a reference to an object that implements the ChatStateListener protocol methods.

The chatStateListener parameter is an object that implements the ChatStateListener protocol methods.

Method set(currentOperatorChangeListener:)

The method passes a reference to an object that implements the CurrentOperatorChangeListener protocol methods to the SDK.

The currentOperatorChangeListener parameter is an object implementing the CurrentOperatorChangeListener protocol methods.

Method set(departmentListChangeListener:)

The method passes a reference to an object implementing the DepartmentListChangeListener protocol methods to the SDK.

The currentOperatorChangeListener parameter is an object that implements the DepartmentListChangeListener protocol methods.

Method set(operatorTypingListener:)

The method passes to the SDK a reference to an object that implements the OperatorTypingListener protocol methods.

The operatorTypingListener parameter is an object that implements the OperatorTypingListener protocol methods.

Method set(locationSettingsChangeListener:)

The method passes to the SDK a reference to an object that implements the LocationSettingsChangeListener protocol methods.

The locationSettingsChangeListener parameter is an object that implements the locationSettingsChangeListener protocol methods.

Method set(onlineStatusChangeListener:)

The method passes to the SDK a reference to an object that implements the sessionOnlineStatusChangeListener protocol methods.

The sessionOnlineStatusChangeListener parameter is an object that implements the SessionOnlineStatusChangeListener protocol methods.

Method set(unreadByOperatorTimestampChangeListener:)

Passes the UnreadByOperatorTimestampChangeListener object.

Method set(unreadByVisitorMessageCountChangeListener:)

Passes the UnreadByVisitorTimestampMessageCountListener object.

Method set(unreadByVisitorTimestampChangeListener:)

Passes the UnreadByVisitorTimestampChangeListener object.

Method getRawConfig(forLocation:completionHandler:)

Method used to get the configuration for a location.

It may throw errors of type AccessError.

The forLocation parameter is the name of the current location. The type is String.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements the RawLocationConfigCompletionHandler protocol methods. Type Optional.

Method getServerSideSettings(completionHandler:)

Use this method to get the server settings.

The completionHandler parameter is an object that implements the ServerSideSettingsCompletionHandler protocol methods. The type is optional.

May throw errors of type AccessError.

Method getChatId()

Use this method to get the id of the current chat.

Returns the id of the current chat or nil if it does not exist. The type is optional Int.

Protocol ServerSideSettingsCompletionHandler

An object implementing this protocol can be passed to the completionHandler parameter of the getServerSideSettings(completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(roxchatServerSideSettings:)

Called when the getServerSideSettings(completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

The roxchatServerSideSettings parameter is the server settings. Type RoxchatServerSideSettings.

Method onFailure()

Called when the getServerSideSettings(completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol fails.

Protocol DataMessageCompletionHandler

A protocol-object can be passed in the completionHandler parameter of the send(message:data:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(messageID:)

The method is called when the message is successfully sent and the server processes the transmitted data dictionary (if not nil) using the send(message:data:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Method onFailure(messageID:error:)

Called when the server fails to process the transmitted data dictionary (if not nil) by the send(message:data:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol. The message itself will be processed by the server in this case.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Parameter error - the error that prevented the successful sending of the file. Type - DataMessageError.

Protocol DeleteMessageCompletionHandler

A protocol-object can be passed in the completionHandler parameter of the send(message:data:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(messageID:)

Called when the call to the delete(message:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Method onFailure(messageID:error:)

Called when the call to the delete(message:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol fails.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

The error parameter - the error that prevented successful message deletion. Type - DeleteMessageError.

Protocol RawLocationConfigCompletionHandler

A protocol object can be passed in the completionHandler parameter of the getRawConfig(forLocation:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(rawLocationConfig:)

The method is called on successful request by the getRawConfig(forLocation:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

The rawLocationConfig parameter is the location configuration. The type is [String: Any?].

Method onFailure()

Called when the getRawConfig(forLocation:completionHandler:) method request fails.

Protocol SearchMessagesCompletionHandler

A protocol-subordinate object can be passed in the completionHandler parameter of the searchStreamMessagesBy(query:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSearchMessageSuccess(query:messages:)

The method is called when a history query is successful using the searchStreamMessagesBy(query:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

The query parameter is a query. The type is String.

Parameter messages - messages by request. The type is [String].

Method onSearchMessageFailure(query:)

Called when a history query fails using the searchStreamMessagesBy(query:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

The query parameter is a query. The type is String.

Protocol SendDialogToEmailAddressCompletionHandler

An object implementing this protocol can be passed to the completionHandler parameter of the sendDialogTo(emailAddress:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess()

Called when the call to the sendDialogTo(emailAddress:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

Method onFailure(error:)

Called when the call to the sendDialogTo(emailAddress:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol fails.

The error parameter is the error that prevented the method from being called successfully. Type - SendDialogToEmailAddressError.

Enumerated type SendDialogToEmailAddressError

Possible errors that can be passed to the error parameter when calling the SendDialogToEmailAddressCompletionHandler.onFailure(error:) method.


The chat does not exist.


The send attempt limit has been exceeded.


Unknown error.

Protocol SendFileCompletionHandler

A protocol-object can be passed in the completionHandler parameter of the send(file:filename:mimeType:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(messageID:)

The method is called when a file is successfully sent using the send(file:filename:mimeType:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Method onFailure(messageID:error:)

Called when sending a file fails using the send(file:filename:mimeType:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

The error parameter - the error that prevented the successful sending of the file. The type is SendFileError.

Protocol SendKeyboardRequestCompletionHandler

An object implementing this protocol can be passed to the completionHandler parameter of the sendKeyboardRequest method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(messageID:)

Called when the call to the sendKeyboardRequest method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Method onFailure(messageID:error:)

Called when the call to the sendKeyboardRequest method of the MessageStream protocol fails.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

The error parameter - the error that prevented the method from being called successfully. Type - KeyboardResponseError.

Protocol SendMessageCompletionHandler

An object implementing this protocol can be passed to the completionHandler parameter of the send(message:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess(messageID:)

Called when the call to the send(message:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

The messageid parameter is the ID of the corresponding message. The type is String.

Protocol RateOperatorCompletionHandler

A protocol obeying object can be passed in the completionHandler parameter of the rateOperatorWith(id:rating:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method onSuccess()

The method is called when the call to the rateOperatorWith(id:rating:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol succeeds.

Method onFailure(error:)

The method is called when the rateOperatorWith(id:rating:completionHandler:) method of the MessageStream protocol fails.

The error parameter is the error that occurred. Type - RateOperatorError.

Protocol visitSessionStateListener

A protocol whose adaptation allows you to track changes to visitSessionState.

Method changed(state:to:)

The method is called when VisitSessionState changes.

The old and new values are passed to the method parameters.

Protocol DepartmentListChangeListListener

A protocol whose adaptation allows tracking changes to the department list.

Method received(departmentList:)

The method is called when a new department list is received.

An array of Department objects is passed to the method parameter.

Protocol LocationSettings

An instance of a class obeying the protocol can be retrieved using the getLocationSettings() method of the MessageStream object. Specific settings for the current location can be retrieved using the methods of this protocol.

Method areHintsEnabled()

With this method, retrieves whether the current location's settings mandate that hints be shown to the visitor when typing a new message.

Returns true if hints should be shown, and false otherwise. Type is Bool.

Protocol ChatStateListener

A protocol whose methods are implemented by some application class. An object obeying the protocol can be passed in the chatStateListener parameter of the set(chatStateListener:) method of the MessageStream protocol. Used to track changes to the current chat state.

Method changed(state previousState:to newState:)

The method is called when the state of the current chat has changed.

The previousState parameter is the previous state of the chat. The type is ChatState.

The newState parameter is the new chat state. Type - ChatState.

Protocol CurrentOperatorChangeListener

A protocol whose methods are implemented by some application class. An object obeying the protocol can be passed in the currentOperatorChangeListener parameter of the set(currentOperatorChangeListener:) method of the MessageStream protocol.Used to track changes to the current chat operator.

Method changed(operator previousOperator:to newOperator:)

The method is called when the current chat operator has changed (or the operator is gone).

The previousOperator parameter is the previous operator. The type is Operator.

Parameter newOperator - new chat state. Type - optional Operator. Takes the value nil if the operator has left the chat.

Protocol OperatorTypingListener

A protocol obeying object can be passed in the operatorTypingListener parameter of the set(operatorTypingListener:) method of the MessageStream protocol.Used to alert you when an operator starts typing a message.

Method onOperatorTypingStateChanged(isTyping:)

The method is called when the current chat operator has started typing a message.

The isTyping parameter is true if the operator is typing a message, and false otherwise. The type is Bool.

Protocol LocationSettingsChangeListener

A protocol whose methods are implemented by some class of the mobile application. An object of the class that obeys the protocol can be passed in the locationSettingsChangeListener parameter of the set(locationSettingsChangeListener:) method of the MessageStream protocol. Used to track changes to the current location settings.

Method changed(locationSettings previousLocationSettings:to newLocationSettings:)

The method is called when the current location settings have changed.

The previousLocationSettings parameter is the previous value of the current location settings. The type is LocationSettings.

Parameter newLocationSettings - new value of the current location settings. Type - LocationSettings.

Protocol OnlineStatusChangeListener

The protocol is adapted by entities of the mobile application. The object of the class that adapted the protocol can be passed in the sessionOnlineStatusChangeListener parameter of the set(onlineStatusChangeListener:) method of the MessageStream protocol. Used to receive notifications when the session status changes. The session status is described in values of enumerated type OnlineStatus.

Method changed(onlineStatus previousOnlineStatus:to newOnlineStatus:)

The method is called when the session status changes.

The previousSessionOnlineStatus parameter is the previous session status. The type is OnlineStatus.

Parameter newSessionOnlineStatus - new (received) session status. Type - OnlineStatus.

The method is called as a result of received notification from Rox.Chat service.

Protocol UnreadByOperatorTimestampChangeListener

A protocol that provides methods for handling changes to the parameter returned by the getUnreadByOperatorTimestamp() method. The protocol-adapting object is passed using the set(unreadByOperatorTimestampChangeListener:) method.

Method changedUnreadByOperatorTimestampTo(newValue:)

A method that is called when the parameter returned by the getUnreadByOperatorTimestamp() method changes.

The newValue parameter is the new value returned by the getUnreadByOperatorTimestamp() method. The type is optional Date.

Protocol UnreadByVisitorMessageCountChangeListener

A protocol that provides methods to handle changes to the parameter returned by the getUnreadByVisitorMessageCount() method.The object adapting the protocol is passed using the set(unreadByVisitorMessageCountChangeListener:) method.


The class object that implements this protocol can only be retrieved after the session starts using the resume() method. This object increments the value of the number of unread messages by sending appropriate requests to the server every 30 seconds.

Method changedUnreadByVisitorMessageCountTo(newValue:)

A method that is called when the parameter returned by the getUnreadByVisitorMessageCount() method changes.

The newValue parameter is the new value returned by the getUnreadByVisitorMessageCount() method. The type is Int.

Protocol UnreadByVisitorTimestampChangeListener

A protocol that provides methods for handling changes to the parameter returned by the getUnreadByVisitorTimestamp() method. The protocol-adapting object is passed using the set(unreadByVisitorTimestampChangeListener:) method.

Method changedUnreadByVisitorTimestampTo(newValue:)

A method that is called when the parameter returned by the getUnreadByVisitorTimestamp() method changes.

The newValue parameter is the new value returned by the getUnreadByVisitorTimestamp() method. The type is optional Date.

Protocol UploadedFile

Contains methods that can be used to get information about a file.

Method getSize()

A method by which the size of an attachment file can be obtained.

Returns the size of the attachment file in bytes. The type is Int64.

Method getGuid()

A method by which the guid of the attachment file can be obtained.

Returns the value in text form. The type is String.

Method getFileName()

A method that can be used to get the name of the attachment file.

Returns the name of the attachment file in text form. The type is String.

Method getContentType()

A method by which the MIME type of the attachment can be obtained.

Returns the MIME type of the attachment in text form. The type is an optional String.

Method getVisitorId()

A method that can be used to get the id of the file sender.

Returns the value in text form. The type is String.

Method getClientContentType()

A method by which the MIME type of an attachment can be obtained.

Returns the MIME type of the attachment in text form. The type is String.

Method getImageInfo()

A method that can be used to get information about an image.

Returns information about the image. The type is optional ImageInfo.

Enumerated type ChatState

Possible chat state options (see the getChatState() method of the MessageStream protocol). The initial state is NONE. If the startChat() method or one of the MessageStream protocol's message sending methods is called, the state changes to QUEUE. When an operator accepts a chat into processing, its (chat) state is changed to CHATTING. When the closeChat() method of the MessageStream protocol is called, the chat state is changed to CLOSED_BY_VISITOR. If the chat was closed by an operator - to CLOSED_BY_OPERATOR. After the chat has been closed by both the visitor and the operator, its state returns to NONE. This also happens after a long time of no activity in the chat. The chat can also be restarted by the operator: in this case the chat state takes the value INVITATION, and after the visitor writes something back, the chat state takes the value CHATTING.


The chat state when either the operator has taken a visitor-initiated chat into processing, or when a visitor has responded to a message in a previously closed chat.

From this state, the chat can transition to either CLOSED_BY_OPERATOR, CLOSED_BY_VISITOR, or NONE.


The chatting state when either bot has responded in a visitor-initiated chat.

From this state, the chat can go to either CHATTING, CLOSED_BY_VISITOR, or NONE.


The state of a chat when it has been closed by an operator, but not yet closed by a visitor.

From this state, the chat can go to either NONE or QUEUE if the visitor writes something else.


The state of the chat when it has been closed by the visitor, but not yet closed by the operator.

From this state, the chat can go to either NONE or QUEUE if the visitor writes something else.


The state of the chat when it was initiated by the operator.

From this state, the chat can go to either NONE or CHATTING.


Denotes the absence of chatting.

From this state, the chat can go to either INVITATION or QUEUE.


The state of the chat when it was initiated by a visitor.

From this state, the chat can go to either NONE, CHATTING, or CLOSED_BY_OPERATOR.


This state is received by chatting when a session is created, before the first chatting state update received from the server.

Also, this state can be received if the SDK cannot identify it (for example, the server has new chat state values that the current version of the SDK does not know how to handle).

Enumerated type OnlineStatus

Possible online statuses.Can be retrieved using the changed(onlineStatus previousOnlineStatus:to newOnlineStatus:) protocol SessionOnlineStatusChangeListener method.


Offline state with the number of chat limits exceeded.

Means that the visitor cannot send messages at all.


An online state with the number of chat limits exceeded.

Means that the visitor can send messages to the offline area, but the server may reject them and return an error.


Means that the visitor can send messages to the offline zone.


Means that the visitor can send messages without any restrictions.


Indicates that either the SDK has not yet received the first session status update from the Rox.Chat service, or the session status is not supported in the current version of the SDK.

Enumerated type VisitSessionState

Possible session statuses.


The status of the chat session.


Indicates that an attempt was made to start a chat without department selection, and the server is set to make department selection mandatory.

The session expects to start a chat using the startChat(departmentKey:) method.


The session is active, but chat has not been started yet.


The session is active, but the chat has already been closed.




Status has not yet been received or is not supported by the current version of RoxchatClientLibrary.

Enumerated type SendFileError

Possible errors that can be passed to the error parameter of the onFailure(messageID:error:) method of the SendFileCompletionHandler protocol.


Indicates that the file size exceeds the maximum size set in the server settings.


Indicates that the file type is not among the allowed types set in the server settings.


Indicates that the file was transferred in the wrong way.


Indicates that the file upload was canceled due to a deactivated session or other reasons.


Unknown error.


Unknown error.

Enumerated type RateOperatorError.

Possible errors that can be passed to the error parameter of the onFailure(error:) method of the RateOperatorCompletionHandler protocol.


Occurs when attempting to send an operator evaluation when no chat exists.


Occurs when an operator ID that does not belong to the current chat was passed in an attempt to send an operator evaluation.


The comment is too long. The maximum length is 2000 characters.

Protocol MessageTracker

An instance of a class that obeys the protocol can be retrieved using the new(messageTracker:) method of the MessageStream protocol. Protocol methods are used to manipulate messages that exist in the message history.

Method getLastMessages(byLimit:completion:)

The method is used to request messages from the beginning of the message history.

The limitOfMessages parameter is the number of next messages, no more than which the method should request. The type is Int, the value can be any positive greater than 1 (if a value less than 1 is passed, the method will not do any work).

The completion parameter is a closure that is executed after the method completes execution. The closure contains one parameter of type array Message and has no return type. Typically, the expected set of messages from the message history is passed to the parameter. If the parameter does not contain any object of type Message (the array is empty) - it means that the end of the message history has been reached. If the method did not throw any error during execution, the passed closure is guaranteed to be executed (with empty or not result).

Each subsequent call to this method can only be made after the previous request has been completed (the closure has been called).

May throw errors of type AccessError.

The method will not do any work if the corresponding object MessageTracker has been deactivated (see method destroy()).

The method may return the number of messages less than the limit, but this will not mean that there are no more messages left. In such a situation, the method can be reused to further unload messages. If there are no messages left, the method will return null.

Method getNextMessages(byLimit:completion:)

The method is used to request messages from the message history that are not yet displayed in the current message feed.

The limitOfMessages parameter is the number of next messages, no more than the method should request. The type is Int, the value can be any positive greater than 1 (if a value less than 1 is passed, the method will not do any work).

The completion parameter is a closure that is executed after the method completes execution. The closure contains one parameter of type array Message and has no return type. Typically, the expected set of messages from the message history is passed to the parameter. If the parameter does not contain any object of type Message(the array is empty) - it means that the end of the message history has been reached. If the method did not throw any error during execution, the passed closure is guaranteed to be executed (with empty or not result).

Each subsequent call to this method can only be made after the previous request has been completed (the closure has been called).

May throw errors of type AccessError.

The method will not do any work if the corresponding MessageTracker object has been deactivated (see destroy() method).

Method getAllMessages(completion:)

The method is used to query the entire message history at once.

The completion parameter is a closure that is executed after the method completes. The closure contains one parameter of type array Message and has no return type. Typically, the expected set of messages from the message history is passed to the parameter. If the parameter does not contain any object of type Message(the array is empty) - it means that the end of the message history has been reached. If the method did not throw any error during execution, the passed closure is guaranteed to be executed (with empty or not result).

May throw errors of type AccessError.

The method will not do any work if the corresponding MessageTracker object has been deactivated (see destroy() method).

Method resetTo(message:)

The MessageTracker object stores the current range of messages. A call to this method can "reset" the limit to which the object stores message history to a particular message.

The message parameter is the message to which the limit of the stored message history should be "reset". The type is Message.

Can throw errors of type AccessError.

The method can only be called after a previous call to the MessageTracker object has returned a result, otherwise the method will not do any work.

Method destroy()

Deactivates the current MessageTracker object, after which no protocol methods can be used.

May throw errors like AccessError.

Protocol MessageListener

The protocol must be adapted by some application class. The protocol methods are called when changes are made to the message feed.

Method added(newMessage:previousMessage:)

The method is called when messages are added to the current feed. Importantly, calling the method is not an indication that a new message has been received: it is a logical insertion of messages into the feed. For example, on the first successful connection to the server, the SDK retrieves the entire message history. If it contains messages that are in the time frame already displayed in the feed, this method will also be called on each such message.

The newMessage parameter is the message received. The type is Message.

Parameter previousMessage - the message after which the received message should be inserted. Type - optional Message. If the value of this parameter is nil, the received message should be inserted at the end of the list.

Method removed(message:)

The method is called when a message is removed from the feed.

The message parameter is the deleted message. The type is Message.

Method removedAllMessages()

The method is called when all messages are removed from the feed.

Method changed(oldVersion:newVersion:)

The method is called when any message is changed.

Messages as such are not changed: one object is replaced by another. Therefore, when this method is called, you can compare the message fields to find out which ones are different.

The oldVersion parameter is the former object of the message. The type is Message.

The newVersion parameter is the new message object. The type is Message.

Protocol Message

A protocol is an abstraction representing a single message within the SDK. Message objects can be retrieved in calls to the protocol's MessageListener methods.

The Message objects are immutable. Changes to any of its fields creates a new object. Two Message objects can be checked for identical fields using the isEqual(to:) method. Logical correspondence of message objects can be checked by comparing their IDs (see the getID() method).

Method getRawData()

Use this method to get an arbitrary dictionary generated by the server when MessageType ACTION_REQUEST is used.

Returns a dictionary of type [String: Any?] or nil if none exists.

Method getData()

Messages of type FILE_FROM_OPERATOR or FILE_FROM_VISITOR may contain nested files. Use this method to retrieve the file.

Returns an instance of class MessageData or nil if the file is in the process of being sent.

Method getCurrentChatID()

Use this method to get the unique ID of the current chat.

It returns the ID of the chat room. The type is String or nil if the ID is missing.

Method getKeyboard()

Use this method to get the keyboard element of a chatbot.

Returns a keyboard with buttons. The type is optional Keyboard.

Method getKeyboardRequest()

This method retrieves the keyboard element that the user has selected.

Returns the keyboard element selected by the user. The type is optional KeyboardRequest.

Method getQuote()

Use this method to get information about the quoted message.

It returns the quoted message. The type is class optional Quote.

Method isReadByOperator()

Use this method to get information about the status of a message. Whether it has been read by the operator or not.

Returns true if the message is read by the operator and false if it is not. The type is Bool.

Method canBeEdited()

Use this method to get information about whether a message can be modified or deleted.

Returns true if it can, and false if it cannot. The type is Bool.

For the method to return true in principle, the functionality corresponding to the method (editing and deleting messages) must be active on the account. In this case, the value of the account config parameter visitor_message_editing must be true. Otherwise, the method will always return false.

Method canBeReplied()

Use this method to get information about whether the given message can be replied to.

Returns true if it is possible and false if it is not. The type is Bool.

For the method to return true in principle, the functionality corresponding to the method (message quoting) must be active on the account. In this case, the value of the account config parameter web_and_mobile_quoting must be true. Otherwise, the method will always return false.

Method getID()

Use this method to get the unique ID of a message.

It returns the ID of the message. The type is String.

Method getOperatorID()

Use this method to get the ID of the operator that sent the message.

Returns the operator ID or nil if the message was sent by a non-operator. The type is optional String.

Method getSenderAvatarFullURL()

Use this method to get the URL to load the message sender's avatar (if any).

Returns the full URL of the message sender's avatar or nil if there is no avatar. The type is an optional URL.

Method getSenderName()

Use this method to get the name of the message sender.

Returns the name of the message sender. The type is String.

Method getSendStatus()

Use this method to get the send status of a message.

It returns a value of enumerated type MessageSendStatus.

Method getText()

Use this method to get the text of a message.

It returns the text of the message. The type is String.

Method getTime()

Use this method to get the time the message was sent.

Type - Date.

Method getType()

Use this method to get the type of the message.

It returns the value of the enumerated type MessageType.

Method isEqual(to message:)

Use this method to find out if two messages are identical.

Example usage:

if messageOne.isEqual(to: messageTwo) { /* .... */ }

Where messageOne and messageTwo are any instances of type Message.

The message parameter is the message to which the message on which the method is called is compared. The type is Message.

Returns true if the message fields are identical, and false if they are not. Type - Bool.

Method isEdited()

Use this method to find out if a message has been edited or not.

Returns true if the message has been modified and false if not. The type is Bool.

Protocol MessageAttachment

Protocol is an abstraction representing a file attachment to a message. A MessageAttachment object can be retrieved using the getAttachment() Message method.

Method getFileInfo()

A method that can be used to get information about an attached file.

Returns information about the file. The type is FileInfo.

Method getState()

A method to get the file upload status of a file to the server.

Returns information about the file upload status. The type is AttachmentState.

Method getDownloadProgress()

A method to get the percentage of file download to the server.

Returns the download percentage of the file. The type is optional Int64.

Method getErrorType()

A method to get the type of error that caused the file upload problems.

Returns the type of the error. The type is an optional String.

Method getErrorMessage()

A method to get the error text of the error that caused the file upload problem.

Returns the text of the error. The type is optional String.

Method getFilesInfo()

A method that can be used to get information about attached files.

Returns information about the files. The type is FileInfo.

Protocol ImageInfo

Protocol is an abstraction representing information about an attachment if it is an image. An ImageInfo object can be retrieved using the getImageInfo() method of the MessageAttachment protocol.

Method getThumbURL()

The method allows you to get the URL for downloading a preview of an image. The maximum vertical and horizontal dimensions are 300 pixels, but can be changed on the server. In order to know the exact size of the preview until the image is downloaded, you can use the following code:

let THUMB_SIZE = 300

var width = imageInfo.getWidth()

var height = imageInfo.getHeight()

if (height > width) {

width = (THUMB_SIZE * width) / height

height = THUMB_SIZE

} else {

height = (THUMB_SIZE * height) / width

width = THUMB_SIZE


Returns the URL to download a preview of the image. The resulting link is valid only for the current session.

Method getHeight()

A method that can be used to get the height of an image.

Returns the height of the image in pixels or nil. The type is optional Int.

Method getWidth()

A method that can be used to get the width of the image.

Returns the width of the image in pixels or nil. The type is optional Int.

Enumerated type MessageType

Used to define the message type (see the getType() method of the Message protocol).


A message containing a dictionary of arbitrary data to be processed by the application based on client-defined logic (see the getData()method of the Message protocol).


The message that arrives after the operator has pressed the contact request button. There is currently no automatic support for this functionality; any payload of this and the response message is forwarded in the message text (see the getText() method of the Message protocol).


The file sent by the operator.


A file sent by a visitor.


A system message automatically generated on the server (for example, a greeting at the beginning of a chat).


A message sent by a chatbot.


A message from the chatbot containing information about the button the user selected.


A text message from the operator.


A system message indicating that the operator is currently busy.


A text message from a visitor.

Enumerated type MessageSendStatus

Used to determine the sending status of a message (see the getSendStatus() method of the Message protocol).


Indicates any state of the message until it has been received, processed, and sent to all recipients by the server.


Indicates any state of the message after the events listed in the SENDING value description.

Protocol Department.

A representation of a single department. Provides methods for obtaining information about a department.Department objects can be obtained by adapting the DepartmentListChangeListener protocol or by calling the getDepartmentList() method of the MessageStream protocol.

Method getKey()

The department key is required to start a chat with a specific department method (startChat(departmentKey:) method MessageStream).

The return value type is String.

Method getName()

Returns the public name of the department.

The return value type is String.

Method getDepartmentOnlineStatus()

Returns the online status of a department.

The return value type is DepartmentOnlineStatus.

Method getOrder()

Returns a number representing the order of the department's output in the list. A higher number indicates a higher priority to output the department in the list.

The return value type is Int.

Method getLocalizedNames()

Returns a dictionary of localized department names, if one exists.

The return value type is the optional [String: String]. The key is the locale name, the value is the locale-matching department name.

Method getLogoURL()

Returns the URL of the department logo (if any).

The return value type is an optional URL.

Enumerated type DepartmentOnlineStatus

Possible statuses of the department. Can be obtained by calling the getDepartmentOnlineStatus() method of the Department protocol.


Offline, chat limit exceeded.


Online, chat limit exceeded.


Visitor can send offline messages.


The visitor can send online messages.


The current status is not supported by this version of RoxchatClientLibrary.

Enumerated type DeleteMessageError

Possible errors that can be passed to the error parameter when calling the DeleteMessageCompletionHandler.onFailure(messageID:error:) method.


Unknown error.


The server has disabled the ability to delete messages.


A visitor can only delete their own messages. The specified identifier belongs to another message.\


The selected message was not found.

Protocol Operator

A protocol object is an abstract representation of each concrete chat operator. Protocol Operator objects can be obtained in the CurrentOperatorChangeListener protocol methods and the getCurrentOperator() protocol MessageStream method.

Method getID()

The method allows you to get the ID of a specific operator.

Returns the ID of a specific operator. The type is String.

Method getName()

The method allows you to get the name of a specific operator.

Returns the name of a specific operator. The type is String.

Method getAvatarURL()

Method allows you to get the URL to download the avatar of a specific operator (if any).

Returns the URL to download a specific operator's avatar or nil.

Method getTitle()

Method allows you to get the title of an employee.

Returns the title of the employee. The type is optional String.

Protocol RoxchatRemoteNotification

A protocol object is an abstract representation of a specific push notification received by an application from the Rox.Chat service. RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol objects can be retrieved using the parse(remoteNotification:) method of the Roxchat class.

Method getType()

Use this method to specify useful information of a particular RoxchatRemoteNotification object.

Returns the value of the enumerated type NotificationType.

Method getEvent()

Use this method to specify an intended action that involves receiving this particular object RoxchatRemoteNotification.

Returns a value of enumerated type NotificationEvent or nil.

Method getParameters()

Use this method to specify the payload of a particular RoxchatRemoteNotification object, depending on its type and contained in an array.

Returns an array of type String. See the description of the enumerated type NotificationType for possible array contents.

Method getLocation()

Method can be called to get the location of a chat room.

Returns an optional value of type String.

Method getUnreadByVisitorMessagesCount()

The method can be called to get the number of unread messages by the user.

It returns the number of messages. The type is Int.

Protocol RoxchatAlert

The protocol is designed to handle alerts (alerts).

Method present(title:message)

The method is used to show warnings about standard errors.

The title parameter is the title of the warning, the type is String.

The message parameter is the content of the warning, type - String.

Enumerated type NotificationType

Type values indicate the type of useful information comprising a particular push notification - can be retrieved using the getType() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol.


Indicates an event where the operator sent a visitor a request for contact information.

The parameter dictionary (see the getParameters() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol) is empty in this case.


Indicates the event when an operator has joined the chat room.

The parameter dictionary (see the getParameters() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol) contains only one value in this case, the operator name.


Indicates the event when the operator sent a file to the chatroom.

The parameter dictionary (see the getParameters() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol) in this case contains two values - operator name and file name.


Indicates the event when an operator has sent a message to the chat room.

The parameter dictionary (see the getParameters() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol) contains two values in this case, the operator name and the message text.


Indicates an event when an operator sent a widget message (this functionality is not supported by default, you should contact support to support it).

The parameter dictionary (see the getParameters() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol) is empty in this case.

Case rateOperator

Indicates the event when the operator sent an operator rate request to the visitor.

The parameter dictionary (see the getParameters() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol) is empty in this case.

Enumerated type NotificationEvent

Indicates an event that implies the type of action expected of the application when receiving this particular push notification - can be obtained using the getEvent() method of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol.

Case ADD

Add the information contained in this push notification (see the getType() and getParameters() methods of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol)).


Deletes the information contained in this push notification (see the getType() and getParameters() methods of the RoxchatRemoteNotification protocol)).

Protocol FatalErrorHandler

Protocol methods are called when necessary to handle errors that the Rox.Chat service may return during operation. See the enumerated type values FatalErrorType for error descriptions

Method on(error:)

Called when an error is received by the Rox.Chat service. The protocol object RoxchatError is passed in the parameter.


The method is called not from the main thread!

Enumerated type FatalErrorType

Corresponds to the values of possible errors that may occur in the Rox.Chat service (see the getErrorType() method of the RoxchatError protocol). Most of these are fatal and cause the session object to be destroyed.


Indicates that the client's account in the Rox.Chat service is blocked (for example, for non-payment).

The occurrence of the error does not depend on the visitor's actions, and the possible behavior of the application in case of this error is presented as a suggestion to the visitor to try to use the chat later.

Causes session destruction.


Indicates that the user data provided during session creation (see the set(visitorFieldsJSONString:) and set(visitorFieldsJSONData:) methods of the SessionBuilder class) are no longer valid.

Proposed application behavior is to generate new user data and create a new session instance.

Causes the session to be destroyed.


Indicates the occurrence of some unexpected and undocumented error.

Causes the session to be destroyed.


Occurs when a user with passed data (see methods set(visitorFieldsJSONString:) and set(visitorFieldsJSONData:) of class SessionBuilder) has been blocked by the operator for any reason.

Causes the session to be destroyed.


Indicates an error in generating user data. Does not depend on user actions, but signals an error in the application's data generation algorithm.

Causes session destruction.

Protocol RoxchatError

RoxchatError objects are passed to the error parameter of the on(error:) method of the protocol FatalErrorHandler. The protocol methods are designed to handle fatal errors that may occur when working with the Rox.Chat service.

Method getErrorType()

The method is intended to obtain the specific type of error that occurred.

Returns a value of enumerated type FatalErrorType.

Method getErrorString()

The method can be called to obtain a textual representation of the error that occurred.

Returns a textual representation of the error that occurred. Type - String.

Protocol RoxchatNotFatalError

RoxchatNotFatalError objects are passed to the error parameter of the onError(error:) method of the protocol NotFatalErrorHandler .

Method getErrorType()

The method is intended to obtain the specific type of error that occurred.

Returns a value of type NotFatalErrorType.

Method getErrorString()

The method can be called to obtain a textual representation of the error that occurred.

Returns a textual representation of the error that occurred. Type is String.

Enumerated type AccessError

The type value corresponds to errors that can be thrown by some methods of the RoxchatSession, MessageStream and MessageTracker protocols.


Occurs when the method was called from a thread other than the one on which the session instance was created.


Occurs when an attempt is made to use methods on an invalid session instance (for example, after the destroy() method has been called on it).

Protocol RoxchatLogger

A protocol that provides methods for implementing "logging" of network activity RoxchatClientLibrary. The mechanism can be useful, for example, when debugging product releases in which DEBUG logs are not available.

Method log(entry:)

A method that is called automatically when a new entry is released for the RoxchatClientLibrary network activity log.

The new entry is passed in the entry parameter (type - String).

Returned HTTP error codes

Category Error code Meaning and possible way to solve it
General errors
account-blocked The client's account in the Rox.Chat service is blocked (for example, for non-payment). Contact Rox.Chat technical support for help.
chat-required Reply to an action in chat without chat
content_type_not_recognized The MIME type of the attachment is not recognized. Check to see if the file you are sending is damaged. Also make sure that its content matches one of the MIME types
domain-not-from-whitelist The domain is not whitelisted
max_file_size_exceeded The upload file size is too large. Try reducing the file size or increasing the weight limit for uploaded files
file_size_too_small The upload file size is too small. You may be trying to upload an empty file
not_allowed_file_type Uploading this file format is prohibited or not supported. Change the parameter responsible for file types allowed for uploading in the server settings
not_allowed_mime_type Uploading a file of this MIME type is prohibited or not supported. Change the parameter responsible for MIME file types allowed for uploading in the server settings
no_previous_chats Previous chats are missing
not_matching_magic_numbers Magic numbers don't match
max_files_count_per_chat_exceeded The maximum number of files sent in one chat has been reached
provided-visitor-expired The user data provided when creating the session is no longer valid. This error is resolved automatically by reinitialization
reinit-required Reinitialization is required - most likely, the AuthToken is outdated. This error is resolved automatically by reinitialization
setting_disabled Requested setting disabled
server-not-ready The server is not ready to respond to the request. This error appears when you try to contact the server before it is fully turned on. Try to wait a little
session_not_found The session you were looking for was not found
unathorized Unauthorized access attempt. Authorization required
uploaded-file-not-found Uploaded file not found
visitor_banned The visitor was blocked by the operator
wrong-argument-value The error occurs when a request arrives at the server with an incorrect argument type (for example, String instead of int)
wrong-provided-visitor-hash-value An error occurs when a visitor with an invalid signature tries to authorize
Errors in quoting messages in chat
quoting-message-that-cannot-be-replied The message cannot be quoted - it is not marked with the canBeReplied flag or the flag is not set to true
quoting-message-from-another-visitor The message ID sent corresponds to another visitor
corrupted-quoted-message-id Invalid quoted message ID
multiple-quoted-messages-found The message ID sent matches multiple messages (most likely there is a database error)
quoted-message-not-found The ID sent does not match any message in the database
required-quote-args-missing One or more server-side citation system arguments were not sent
Authentication errors
provided-auth-token-not-found The authentication token was not found on the server. This error only occurs when using a custom client authentication mechanism via a token. Most likely, the token has not yet reached the Rox.Chat service from the client server and you need to wait a little
Errors related to sending, editing and deleting messages
message_empty Attempting to send an empty message
max-message-length-exceeded Maximum allowed message length reached
message_not_found Message with the required ID was not found
not_allowed The ability to edit/delete messages is disabled on the server
message_not_owned The visitor is trying to edit/delete an operator's message or the specified ID belongs to another message
wrong_message_kind A visitor tries to edit a non-text message
Agent rate errors
no-chat Occurs in the following cases:

  • When you try to send an operator rating when the chat does not exist
  • When you try to send a bot keystroke when the chat does not exist
  • When sending a message to a visitor when the chat does not exist and in account config the value of the force_start_chat_on_visitor_message property is false
operator-not-in-chat Occurs when trying to send an operator rating, the ID of an operator that does not belong to the current chat was sent
note-is-too-long Maximum comment length limit exceeded - 2000 characters
Keyboard response errors
button-id-not-set Button ID not set
requset-message-id-not-set Request message ID not set
can-not-create-response Unable to create a response
Errors sending chats via email
chat-history-sent-too-many-times Chat history has been sent too many times
File deletion errors
file-has-been-sent The file is attached to the message and cannot be deleted
file-not-found File not found